Data Structure and Algorithm-Old Questions
In this article, you can find TU BCA old questions of Data Structure and Algorithm.
Faculty Of Humanities And Social Science
Group “B”
Attempt any SIX Questions: [6x5=30]
- What is data structure? Explain its importance.
- Write an algorithm to convert infix expression to postfix.
- Write a recursive program to generate Fibonacci number up to nth terms.
- What is insertion sort? Trace and sort the following data using insertion sort.
90, 57, 80, 10, 22, 21, 45, 9, 78. - What is hashing? Explain with example the collision resolution method open hashing.
- Write the difference between serial and parallel algorithm with example.
- Write a program to implement basic operation in queue.
Group "C"
Attempt any TWO Questions:[2x10=20]
- What is circular linked list? Write a function to delete the node from linked list.[2+8]
- What do you means by Huffman Algorithm? Explain with example. Construct the B tree of order 5 using following data.
20, 10, 26, 55, 80, 11, 9, 60, 67, 55, 22, 76, 56, 45, 34, 100, 150 - What do you means by MST? Explain Kruskal's algorithm with example.
Faculty Of Humanities And Social Science
Group “B”
Attempt any SIX Questions: [6x5=30]
- What is data structure? Explain different operations to be performed on data structure. [1 + 4]
- Define greedy algorithm and heuristic algorithm. Briefly explain Big-Oh notation. [3+2]
- What is circular queue? Write an algorithm to insert an item in circular queue. [2+3]
- How does AVL tree differ from BST? Construct an AVL tree from following data: 35, 56, 68, 65, 44, 41, 31, 49, 20.[1+4]
- What is B-tree? Create a B- tree of order 4 using following data:
6, 4, 22, 10, 2, 14, 3, 8, 11,13, 5, 9. [2 + 3] - What is binary search? Write an algorithm to search an item using binary search. [2+3]
- What is graph? Explain Kruskal's algorithm to construct minimum spanning tree with example. [1 + 4]
Group "C"
Attempt any TWO Questions: [2x10=20]
- Define stack. List the applications of stack. Trace the algorithm to convert infix to postfix with following infix expression ((A+B)-C*D/E)*(H-I)*F+G and evaluate the obtained postfix expression with following values: A=4, B=2, C=4, D=3, E=8, F=2, G=3, H=5, I=1 [1 +1+4+4]
- What is double linked list? How does it differ from circular linked list? Write an algorithm or function to add a node at the beginning and end of double linked list. [1 +1+4+4]
- What is heap? Differentiate between min heap and max heap. Sort the following data in ascending order by heap sort method: 2, 9, 3, 12, 15, 8, 11. [2+2+6]