System Anlysis and System Design

Tribhuvan University Faculty of Humanities & Social Sciences OFFICE OF THE DEAN

Bachelor in Computer Applications

Course Title: System Analysis and Design

Code No: CACS 203 Semester: III




Full Marks: 60 Pass

Marks: 24

Time: 3 hours

Candidates are require answer the questions in their own words as far as possible.

Group B [6x5=30]

  1. What is system? What are the phases of SDLC? Explain briefly planning for Information System. [1+4]
  2. What do you mean by planning? Write the process of Development Project. [1+4]
  3. Define process modeling. Explain DFD with example. [1+4]
  4. List and explain the skills and responsibilities of project manager. [2.5+2.5]
  5. Explain the guidelines to design in an interface and dialogue box for e-commerce system. [5]
  6. Differentiate between system and user documentation with their applications.
  7. Define software testing. Explain software quality assurance activities. [1+4]

Group C [2×10=20]

Attempt any TWO questions.

  1.  What are the major differences between Agile methodologies and waterfall model? Why should you use agile methodologies Explain.      [5+5]
  2. How can you transform ER Diagram into relation? Explain with your own suitable example.
  3. Why is the project management important? Describe the concept of integrated CASE tools with its applications. (3+7]


Tribhuvan University Faculty of Humanities & Social Sciences OFFICE OF THE DEAN

Bachelor in Computer Applications

Course Title: System Analysis and Design

Code No: CACS 203 Semester: III




Full Marks: 60 Pass

Marks: 24

Time: 3 hours

Candidates are require answer the questions in their own words as far as possible.

Group B [6x5=30]

Attempt any SIX questions.

  1. Describe and compare the various sources of software.
  2. What different skills do you need to be a good systems analyst?
  3. Describe the steps involved in corporate strategic planning-?
  4. What are the steps in creating decision table? How do we reduce the size and complexity of a decision.
  5. What is information gathering? Discuss questionnaire along with its merits and demerits. (2+3)
  6. Explain different types of software testing?
  7. How can you transform ER Diagram into relation? Explain with your own suitable example.

Attempt any Two Questions

  1.  Assuming monetary benefits of an information system at Rs 85,000 per year, one-time costs of Rs recurring costs of Rs 35,000 per year, a discount rate of 12 percent, and a five-year time horizon, calculate the following
    1. Net present value of the costs and benefits
    2. The overall return on investment.[3]
    3. The point at which breakeven occur.(4)
  2. What do you mean by software maintenance? Explain the different types of maintenance? Explain t process of maintaining the information system with examples.
  3. Why we draw DFD? Explain the process of drawing DFD using suitable example.