Microprocessor and Computer Architecture-Old Questions

Here, you will find BCA II semester model questions of microprocessor and computer architucture.

Microprocessor and Computer Architecture-Old Questions

Faculty Of Humanities And Social Science

Model Question

Group B

Attempt any SIX questions.                                   [6×5=30]

  1. Draw a pin diagram of 8085 microprocessor with appropriate labelling.
  2. What is machine cycle and instruction cycle?
  3. What is addressing mode? Explain different addressing mode in 8085 Microprocessor.
  4. Write an assembly program to sort an array in ascending order using 8-bit microprocessor.
  5. Define computer instruction. Explain instruction format of basic computer.
  6. Explain memory interfacing in 8085 Microprocessor along with appropriate diagram.
  7. Write short notes:(Any two)
    1. BSR Mode
    2. System Bus

Group C

Attempt any TWO questions.                               [2×10=20]

  1. Draw a logical block diagram of 8086 microprocessor and explain its segmented memory structure.
  2. What are the characteristics of memory device? Explain.
  3. What is pipeline hazard? Explain about the resource hazards and data hazards with its solution.


Group B

Attempt any SIX questions.                                   [6×5=30]

  1. Explain the bus organization of 8085 microprocessor.
  2. Explain the opcode fetch machine cycle for MVI A,32H with timing diagram.
  3. Explain the 8085-instruction addressing mode with explain.
  4. Explain memory hierarchy with diagram.
  5. Explain the organization of microprogrammed control unit.
  6. Define control word. Explain the procedure for generating control word for specific operation.
  7. Define instruction pipeline. Explain the four segments instruction pipeline with example.

Group C

Attempt any TWO questions.                               [2×10=20]

  1. Explain the functional block diagram of 8085 Microprocessor.
  2. Explain the design and control logic of Accumulator.
  3. Explain the different data transfer and manipulating instruction with example.


Group B

Attempt any SIX questions.                                   [6×5=30]

  1. Define CPU. Differentiate between microprocessor and microcontroller with example.
  2. Define instruction cycle. Explain the opcode fetch machine cycle of MOV A, B with timing diagram. (Opcode MOV A, B=78h)
  3. Define ALP using 8085 to check number stored in memory location 8080h is either even or odd.
  4. What is cache memory. Explain the elements of cache design.
  5. Explain the organization of microprogrammed control unit.
  6. What is pipeline? Explain four segments instruction pipeline.
  7. Write short notes on. (Any two)
    1. Accumulator
    2. 8085 Interrupts
    3. Structure of hard disk

Group C

Attempt any TWO questions.                               [2×10=20]

  1. Define instruction set. Classify the instruction available in 8085 with example.
  2. Define the addressing mode. Explain the various instruction addressing mode with example.
  3. Define micro program? Describe symbolic microprogram for instruction FETCH routine. Explain the organization of microprogram sequencer for control memory with suitable diagram.