Zoology Question-2077(Bsc. I Year)

Zoology Question-2077(Bsc. I Year)

Tribhuvan University 2077

Bachelor Level 4 Yrs. Prog/ 1st Year/Science & Tech

Full Marks: 100

Zoology (Non-Chordata & Protochordata) (Zool.101)

Time: 3 hrs.

Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.

The figures in the margin indicate full marks.

New Course

Illustrate your answers with suitable diagrams wherever necessary.

GROUP "A" [2x10=20]

Attempt any TWO questions.

  1. Write an account of the structure, life cycle and pathogenicity of Giardia lambia.
  2. Define canal system. Describe Syconoid and Leuconoid types of canal systems in sponges with well labelled diagrams.
  3. Describe structure, life-cycle, pathogenicity and control measures of Schistosoma halmatobium.

GROUP "B" [2x10=20]

Attempt any TWO questions.

  1. Mention sexual dimorphic features of Palaemon and describe its reproductive organs.
  2. Describe the digestive system of Unio with suitable diagrams.
  3. Discuss the affinities of Herdmania with non-chordates chordates, hemichordates and cephalochordates.

GROUP “C” [8x5=40]

Attempt any EIGHT questions.

  1. What do you mean by zoological nomenclature? Discuss. Morphological and ecological aspects of taxonomy.
  2. Give an account of coilon of Hirudinaria.
  3. Discuss human intrusion in coral reefs.
  4. Give an account of the pathogenicity, diagnosis and control measures of Ascaris lumbricoides.
  5. Describe the life cycle and control measures of Phlebotomus argentipus.
  6. Differentiate between chewing and lapping type of mouthparts of insects.
  7. Illustrate the external features of star fish.
  8. Discuss economic importance of Porifera.
  9. Give an account of cephalic appendages in Palaeomon.
  10. Write a short note on microfilaria of Wuchereria bancrofti.

GROUP "D” [8x2.5=20].

  1. Give very short answers of any EIGHT of the followings:
    1. Economic value of corals
    2. Structure of jaws of leech
    3. Morphology of male hookworm
    4. Hormanal control of metamorphosis in cockroach
    5. Antemule of prawn
    6. Caste system in termites
    7. Didelphic condition
    8. Pearl formation
    9. Hastate plate
    10. Habit and habitat of Herdmania

Old Course

GROUP "A" [2x10=20]

Attempt any TWO questions.

  1. Write an account of the life cycle, pathogenicity and diagnosis of Leishmania donovani.
  2. Define polymorphism. Give an account of polymorphism in Hydrozoa.
  3. Give an account of different larval forms of Fasciola hepatica.

GROUP "B" [2x10=20]

Attempt any TWO questions

  1. Give an account of alimentary canal and digestive glands of Pila globosa.
  2. Give an account of Chewing and lapping type of mouth parts with well labelled diagram.
  3. Discuss the affinities of Balanoglossus with other animal groups.

GROUP "C [8x5=40]

Attempt any EIGHT questions.

  1. Define biological species concept. Mention its advantages and disadvantages.
  2. Write on pathogenicity and diagnosis of Entamoeba histolytica.
  3. Discuss the formation of cocoon in Hirudinaria.
  4. Write an account of economic values of coelenterates.
  5. Give an account of the morphology and pathogenicity of Schistosoma heenatobium.
  6. Describe water vascular system of star fish with suitable diagram.
  7. Describe in detail the shell of Unio
  8. Write an account of economic importance and control measures of Sitophilus oryzae.
  9. Discuss briefly the habits, habitat and external morphology of
  10. Give an account of the microfilaria of Wuchereria bancrofti.

GROUP "D" [8x2.5=20]

  1. Give very short answers of any EIGHT of the followings:
    1. Differentiate characteristic features of protozoa and metazoan.
    2. Conjugation in Vorticella
    3. Systematic position of Taenia solium and Culex quinquefasciatus.
    4. Five important characteristics of Porifera.
    5. Structure of compound eye in prawn.
    6. Well labelled diagram of tornaria larva of Balanoglossus.
    7. List out the class characteristics of polychaeta and oligochaeta with examples.
    8. Soolex of Taenia.
    9. Position and function of statosysts of Unio.
    10. Pathogenicity and control measures of Leishmania donovani.