Computer Operator Questions-Part 19

Here, you can read and text important MCQ of loksewa computer operator.

1. The ALU of a computer responds to the command coming from

Primary memory
Control section
External Memory
Cache memory

2. Chief component of first generation computer was

vacuum tubes
integrated circuit
None of the above

3. To produce high quality graphics(hardcopy) in color, you want to use

RGB monitor
Ink jet printer
Laser printer

4. Which of the following IC was used in third generation computers?

Both A and B

5. A dumb terminal has

an embedded microprocessor
extensive memory
independent processing capability
a keyboard and screen

6. Switching in Internet is done by using datagram approach to packet switching at the

network layer
application layer
data link layer
physical layer

7. A switch in a datagram network uses a

destination address
sender address
routing table

8. VCN(Virtual Circuit Network) is normally implemented in

session layer
data link layer
network layer
physical layer

9. Asynchronous Transfer Mode network is an example of

Packet switching network
Datagram networks
Virtual Circuit Network
Message switched network

10. IPV4 address is

8 bits
16 bits
32 bits
64 bits

11. Shift + Delete is used for

Delete selected item permanently without placing in recycle bin
Copy the selected item
Rename the selected item
Create a shortcut to the selected item

12. In MS Word shortcut Ctrl while dragging an item

Delete selected item permanently without placing in recycle bin
Copy the selected item
Create a shortcut to the selected item
Rename the selected item

13. In MS Word shortcut Ctrl +Shift while dragging an item

Copy the selected item
Delete selected item permanently without placing in recycle bin
Create a shortcut to the selected item
Rename the selected item

14. In MS Word ,to move the insertion point to the beginning of the next word ... shortcut is used.

None of the above

15. In MS Word using Ctrl+Shift with any of the arrow keys

Highlight a block of text
Paste something
Delete something
None of the above

16. In Excel you can zoom a worksheet

with mouse pointer in print preview
with zoom button on the print preview toolbar
with zoom command on the view menu
All the above

17. You cannot link excel worksheet data to a word document

With the right drag method
with a hyperlink
with the copy and paste special commands
with the copy and paste buttons on the standard toolbar

18. In Excel this type of software is similar to an accountant's worksheet

Word processing

19. In Excel,you can use the format painter multiple times before you turn it off by

Double clicking the format painter button
Pressing Alt key and clicking the format painter button
Pressing Ctrl key and clicking the format painter button
You can use it only once

20. You can quickly change the appearance of your work by choosing Auto Format from the ..... menu.


21. Javascript is _____ language.

None of the above

22. When a user views a page containing a Javascript program, which machine actually executes the script?

user's machine running a web browser
web server
central machine deep within netscape's corporate offices
None of the above

23. What tag is used to display the picture in webpage?


24. Which tag is used to make text bold?

Both A and C

25. Which tag inserts a line horizontally on your webpage?

<line direction="horizontal">